Author Archives: Caroline Bishop

Caroline Bishop

About Caroline Bishop

Caroline Bishop is one of the co-founders of Dental News Australia as well as Atomic Digital Marketing.
custom-fitted mouthguards

Custom-Fitted Mouthguards: Are They Worth It?

Custom mouthguards are usually downplayed. Neglecting such a significant protective device can expose your entire oral health to severe challenges like knocked-out teeth. But why you must purchase custom mouthguards when standard versions are readily available in the sports-goods shops….

dental technology

Dental Technology Provides Jobs & Boost to Economy

Bridges and crowns are a big part of dental technology, but they are unfortunately not the sole significant part. Oral care, like everything else in medicine, is an extensive field, and once you started your career as a certified expert,…

oral thrush

Oral Thrush Can Affect Babies, Toddlers, Women & Men

Oral thrush occurs when yeast infections develop inside the mouth. It is also called oropharyngeal candidiasis, oral candidiasis, or just thrush. It mostly affects babies and toddlers, but adults also need to be on the lookout. Thrush causes yellowish or…

orthodontics training

Orthodontics Training Will Set You Up For Life

A perfect smile conveys to the entire world that you are a confident and happy person. Having a thorough dental checkup and visiting an orthodontist, when required, ensure that your pearly whites are in the right condition. According to the…

dentally anxious

What’s In a Dental Clinic: 5 Key Things For The Dentally Anxious

Brushing and flossing aren’t enough for healthy teeth. We all need to have regular dental checkups to help identify and treat issues early enough. However, not everyone enjoys visiting the dentist’s office. The reason? Dental a fear and anxiety! Many…

wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom Tooth Removal: How Bad Is The After-Pain?

Wisdom tooth removal is one of the commonly sought-after dental procedures. It’s also scary and is dreaded by many. However, not everyone with chipped or broken teeth undergoes wisdom tooth removal; the dentist examines you and performs the right procedure…

peri mucositis

Peri-Mucositis: What Is It & How Can You Avoid It?

Peri-implant diseases are common inflammatory conditions that affect the gum tissues around dental implants. A perfect example is Peri-implant mucositis. Can I tell you about it? It’s an inflammatory lesion of the soft tissues surrounding a dental implant but doesn’t…

grinding your teeth

The Bruxism Blues: How to Stop Grinding your Teeth

Tooth grinding is a prevalent issue that affects men and women alike. If left untreated, enamel grinding can result in severe dental problems. Sadly, many people don’t realize how enamel grinding can impact their overall health. Tooth grinding can damage…

fractured tooth roots

Fractured Tooth Roots: Symptoms & Treatment

A root fracture is a traumatic injury to your tooth and may cause vertical or horizontal root crack. The location and direction of the fracture determine the outlook of your tooth in the long term.  Fractured roots aren’t always visible and…


How to Remove Tartar From Teeth Without a Dentist

White teeth are associated with good oral hygiene. If you have white, evenly shaped teeth, you can smile confidently and attract many people. But, if your teeth are blackish with traces or tarter, not everyone will enjoy seeing you smile….