Melbourne Dentists Recovering From COVID-19 Lockdowns

melbourne dentists

There is no denying that times have been tough, especially, in Melbourne with all these COVID lockdowns. Sydney is getting their serve now, with the delta variant rampaging through the south-west corridor. Finger pointing is a waste of time and only highlights the inherent racism of Anglo Australians. Our laisse faire politicians have dropped the ball so often around vaccination and hotel quarantine that it is hardly worth saying. Melbourne dentists recovering from COVID-19 lockdowns are once again shut out from their paying clientele. It would be a bad time to have a tooth ache anywhere on the eastern seaboard of Australia, it seems.

How Do Melburnian Dentists Recover?

We must ask ourselves; how do Melbourne dentists recover from the various Covid lockdowns now numbering 5? Scratch any Melbourne dentist and they will bleed for the serious loss of earnings over so many months. Yes, it is hard to feel sorry for those that wield that whining electric drill, but they too have suffered. The price of this pandemic has been substantial in so many guises. The mental health of all in lockdown. The loss of wages and revenue from businesses forced to shut their doors. The continual frustrating failures of the Morrison government letting all Australians down repeatedly over many months.

What Can a Poor Dentist Do?

Essential services in Australia cover dentists but there are classifications relating to non-urgent dental services in the state of Victoria. Clients have, obviously, put many of their dental issues on the backburner where possible. Lockdowns depress the market for all sorts of matters. However, so many dental issues are urgent and cannot be put off. Dentists in Melbourne can practice taking all reasonable care not to spread the virus via their activities. So many small businesses say that they are being destroyed by all these COVID lockdowns.

In Brisbane the dentists benefit from their detachment from the Covid drama. But for how long I am sure they wonder, as snap lockdowns are only a Premier Palaszczuk announcement away. We all wait with bated breath as the Delta variant weaves its wicked way from human to human. It is enough to give you TMJ disorder, even, on a fine day. We sleep and grind our teeth in frustration at the rapidly shrinking world in which we live. The city has become a strange and potentially dangerous place. Innocent activities are prone to infection. Sharing the good times is too risky behaviour.