Cosmetic Dentistry

Is Cosmetic Dentistry As Painful as Cosmetic Surgery?

The science of health is responsible for diagnosing, treating, and preventing problems related to teeth. Dental aesthetics is moving towards less invasive treatments, which is known as dental cosmetics. Its implementation is carried out through a procedure that preserves the…

Female Dentists

Female Dentists Still Struggling To Smash The Invisalign Ceiling

What a lot of rotten bastards we all really are. All this talk about equality between the genders is hogwash. The reality is that for some sixty thousand years male Homo sapiens have treated their female brethren as second-class citizens,…

Social Media For Dentists

Social Media For Dentists: Is The Marketing Spend Worth It?

The world of dental care has experienced tremendous changes and paved the way for betterment in recent years. Dental practices and procedures have changed, and you don’t expect long queues of patients at the dentist’s office. With social media being…

Dental Nutrition

Dental Nutrition: Prevention The Education That Costs Dentists The Most

Holistic medicine has for years been used to treat minor illnesses. Nutrition is widely used to prevent dental issues, and dentists spend millions each year on preventive measures. Although routine oral care like brushing and flossing are essential for excellent…

Advanced Dental Marketing

Advanced Dental Marketing Can Educate The Public Beyond The Basics

Building a successful dental practice requires a strategic dental marketing plan. Undoubtedly, marketing plays an indispensable role in marketing your services. Most importantly, advanced marketing also aids in educating the public on a variety of health issues. You can extend…

Dental Veneers Cost a Small Fortune

Dental Veneers Cost a Small Fortune: Are They Worth It?

Fashion and looks form an integral part of many people’s lifestyles. Many buy the latest designer clothes, while others acquire the pricey skincare products to accentuate their looks. What’s more? Better looking teeth is a crucial aspect for many, and…

Governmental Dental Boosts

Governmental Dental Boosts: Will They Put The Elderly First?

Elderly personal have special needs when it comes to dental care. With the rising population of senior persons, it’s critical to include dental care in their health regimen. Most seniors have had the advantage of dental insurance, but this may…