Category: Dentists News

women who owns dentist clinic

Women Who Own Dental Clinics: How to improve this gender issue

Given the fact that only 3% of women were in dentistry in the 1970s, these days, we are seeing more women embrace the field of dentistry, from owning their dental practices to taking up leadership roles in dental organizations. The…

Dentists and Disabilities

Dentists and Disabilities: Can Dental Clinics Cater More?

Every individual needs access to dental care. However, people with disabilities may require special services or facilities to access dental care. For instance, a physically impaired person may have trouble getting into the dental surgeon’s room or sitting on the…

Dental Wisdom

Dental Wisdom: Five Pearls From 2020

2020 didn’t turn out to be a productive year as many had anticipated due to the covid 19 pandemic. Everything literary came to a standstill. No one expected such a year, but here we are. The fact that we are…

children and dentist relationship

Children Fear Dentists Less Nowadays: What About Adults?

Taking your child for a dental visit is essential for their oral hygiene. On most occasions, you may have to take your child for a dental visit more than five times before they get to kindergarten. As your child’s teeth…

Dentistry & Racial Diversity

Dentistry & Racial Diversity: A Multicultural Industry

Diversity in Dentistry In most cases, when we seek dental care, we want to ensure that our dentist understands who we are and our dental needs. Having a diverse dental staff doesn’t mean that every patient must see a dentist…

Dental clinics and children

Have Patients Regained Confidence in Going Back to Dental Clinics?

The covid-19 pandemic has affected almost all aspects of life this includes dental health. This virus is highly contagious, and masks are our best defense against a pandemic that has decimated the health care system. Yet when we go to…

Dentists and Covid

Have Dentists Done Enough About Covid-19? Could They Do More?

COVID-19 has been accompanied by several other symptoms, which slowly ruin the organs of the body. According to some research, saliva is rich in COVID-19 load. Concerning this, we must understand the process of spread of the virus through saliva. …

Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom Tooth Removal: What Are The Chances of Dying From It?

Wisdom tooth removal is a standard dental procedure. It’s an easy process usually performed by a dentist or periodontist. Wisdom tooth removal can be quite frightening, and there have been few reported cases of complications. It’s then critical to seek…

dental practice ownership

Dental Practice Owners: Is It Worth It?

Oral issues and infections come up each day, and new clinics keep popping up to cater to the rising demand. These dental facilities offer multiple types of treatments. However, when you think of the many dental sites and clinics online,…