Dental Veneers Can Fix Damaged, Crooked & Discoloured Teeth

dental veneers fixes

Dental veneers have increasingly become popular over recent years. That’s because they can restore one’s smile. Whether you have cracked, chipped, broken, or discolored teeth, you should consider getting dental veneers. For many patients dental veneers are more affordable than most dental treatments.

But what exactly are dental veneers and how can they fix damaged, crooked & discolored teeth. Well, keep on reading this article to explore all these.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, tooth-coloured shells or coverings made of porcelain or other types of composite materials that are placed over the visible parts of teeth. They cover the front of each tooth.  They are applied to look just like your natural teeth and they are meant to improve the appearance of your smile. Veneers, just like dental plants usually require anesthesia.

The dental veneers are generally customised to match the colour and the shape of your existing teeth, making them look like they are new versions of your natural teeth. If you have broken, chipped, or stained teeth that can’t be fixed by whitening or bleaching treatments, then dental veneers might be a perfect choice for you.

What are the problems that can be fixed by dental veneers?

Veneers can be used to fix:

  • Teeth that are discolored

Discoloration can be caused by factors, such as excessive fluoride, root canal treatment, stains from tetracycline, etc. A Professional teeth whitening is a perfect way to get rid of stubborn stains on your teeth. But if the discolouration is too deep, you may opt for dental veneers. Since dental veneers are covers, they can camouflage even terrible teeth stains.

  • Teeth that are cracked, broken or chipped

Dental veneers can fix rough spots caused by the wearing of enamel. So if you have chipped or broken teeth, you may want to consider getting dental veneers.

  • Teeth that are misaligned, irregularly shaped, or uneven

Dental veneers can provide a quick solution for misaligned teeth. The dentist will mold the shells in a way that they imitate the same size of the adjacent natural teeth. This, in the end, will make your teeth uniform in both shape and size as well as in alignment.

  • Teeth with gaps between them

While these gaps are not of a major health concern, they can cause unwanted shifting or movement of the teeth. When teeth move a lot, it can make them become misaligned, resulting in bad bite. According to studies, these problems can raise one’s risks for tooth decay. Dental veneers can help fill these tiny gaps since your dentists will use the covers to resize and reshape your teeth.

What’s the procedure for getting dental veneers?

The process of getting veneers is quite simple. It can be achieved in just three sessions. The first session involves assessing the patient’s teeth and taking x-rays. This helps determine if veneers are the best treatment options. Once your teeth have been assessed, your dentist will take a digital impression of your teeth and send it to the lab where the technician will carefully construct your new ceramic veneers. The last session involves bonding the veneers with your natural teeth.