Root Canal Therapy: Tooth Survivability Increasing

root canal therapy


When faced with a damaged or infected tooth, many people may imagine root canal therapy as a distressing and painful procedure. However, recent studies and advances in dental technology have shown that root canal therapy can significantly improve tooth survivability and offer patients a pain-free solution to dental problems.

Recent Studies

A recent study published in the Journal of Dental Research and conducted in the United States analyzed tooth survival rates after root canal therapy and found that patients who underwent the procedure had a significantly higher chance of preserving their natural tooth than those who opted for extraction. The study analyzed data from over 4,000 patients and found that the 5-year survival rate for teeth treated with root canal therapy was 97%, compared to only 83% for extracted teeth.

What is Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy (RCT) involves removing the damaged or infected pulp from the inside of a tooth and replacing it with a filling material. The tooth is then sealed to prevent further infection and preserve its structure. This procedure can save a tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted, and it can be done painlessly under local anesthesia.

Reason for the Success of RCT

One of the main reasons for the success of RCT is its ability to remove infected or damaged tissue from inside the tooth, which prevents the spread of infection to surrounding tissues and organs. This is crucial as untreated tooth infections can lead to serious health complications, such as abscesses, bone loss, and even sepsis. Therefore, RCT not only saves teeth from extraction but also helps to maintain overall oral and systemic health.

Dispelling Misconceptions about Root Canal Therapy

Despite the benefits of RCT, people imagine root canal treatments cause distressing pain. However, this is far from the truth. With advancements in dental technology and anesthetics, RCT is now a relatively painless and comfortable procedure. In fact, most patients report little to no pain during and after the procedure. Moreover, the procedure can be completed in just one or two visits to the dentist, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

Here are some other common misconceptions about root canal therapy, and the facts that dispel them:

  • Root canal therapy is unnecessary if the tooth doesn’t hurt: While pain is a common symptom of a damaged or infected tooth, it is not always present. In some cases, a tooth may be damaged or infected but not cause pain. RCT can address these issues and prevent further damage to the tooth.
  • Extraction is a better option than root canal therapy: Extracting a damaged or infected tooth may seem like a simpler solution, but it can lead to other problems such as shifting of surrounding teeth, bone loss, and difficulties with chewing and speaking. Root canal therapy is a better option for preserving the natural tooth and preventing these complications.
  • Root canal therapy is a lengthy and complicated procedure: While root canal therapy may take longer than a routine dental filling, it is not a lengthy or complicated procedure. Most procedures can be completed in one or two visits to the dentist’s office, and patients can return to normal activities soon after the procedure.
  • Root canal therapy causes illness: This myth originated in the early 20th century and has since been debunked by numerous studies. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that RCT causes illness or other health problems.

Risk and potential complications in Root Canal Therapy

It is worth noting that while RCT is a safe and effective procedure, like any medical procedure, it does come with some adverse effects, risks and potential complications. These include post-treatment pain, swelling, and infection, which can be managed with proper care and medication. Additionally, there is a risk of fracturing the tooth during or after the procedure, which can lead to the need for extraction. However, these risks are relatively rare, and most patients who undergo RCT experience little to no adverse effects.


Root canal therapy is a safe and effective treatment option for damaged or infected teeth, and it can significantly improve tooth survivability. While there are potential risks and complications associated with the procedure, these can be managed with proper care and follow-up. It is important for patients to understand the facts about RCT and dispel any misconceptions that may prevent them from seeking this valuable treatment.

In summary, here are the key takeaways from this article:

-RCT is a safe and effective treatment option for damaged or infected teeth, with a high success rate.

-Patients who undergo root canal therapy have a significantly higher chance of preserving their natural tooth than those who opt for extraction.

-While there are potential risks and complications associated with root canal therapy, these can be managed with proper care and follow-up.

-Misconceptions about root canal therapy, such as the belief that it is a painful and distressing procedure or that it causes illness, should be dispelled to help patients make informed decisions about their dental health.

By understanding the facts about root canal therapy and addressing misconceptions, patients can make informed decisions about their dental health and benefit from this valuable treatment option.