Is Cosmetic Dentistry As Painful as Cosmetic Surgery?

The science of health is responsible for diagnosing, treating, and preventing problems related to teeth.

Dental aesthetics is moving towards less invasive treatments, which is known as dental cosmetics. Its implementation is carried out through a procedure that preserves the initial structure of the teeth, a fact that allows recoveries to be faster, and the result is more effective.

Cosmetic dentistry or cosmetic dentistry is actually a matter of philosophy and dedication. Any treatment in any area of ​​the mouth can be aesthetic in the sense of pampering the details to the maximum. However, we usually refer to aesthetic treatments when we talk about the most visible sector, that of the anterior teeth.

Who is this treatment indicated for?

Some of the most frequent scenarios are the following: small, rotated, separated, stained, broken teeth, conical lateral incisors, gummy smile, etc., but also those patients who do not present any apparent problem but want to improve their smile, such as a through dental whitening or cosmetic treatment with veneers.

The personality and specific features of each patient to achieve that their teeth have the ideal conditions of size, shape, and color.

Misaligned teeth. Through aesthetic braces, it is possible to make the smile look symmetrical.

Separated teeth. They can be attached to braces or dental veneers.

Stains on the teeth. The stains arise from alterations or deterioration of the enamel, and the solution may be a professional cleaning or whitening.

Dental fractures.  The Fissures and fractures can cause increased sensitivity in the teeth; endodontics are used to restore them and eliminate pain.

What procedure is right for you?

If you need to improve your smile, the specialists can answer this question and explain what each technique consists of. A specialist will always choose the best procedure according to the condition of your teeth and the result you want.

What should you take into account during cosmetic dentistry?

To feel more at ease, you can ask your dentist these three questions:

  • What changes will I need?
  • What should I expect during the treatment?
  • What kind of maintenance will I need afterward?

The cosmetic dentists who specialise in gentle treatments make an aesthetic analysis of your smile. Begin the treatment with the necessary materials and technology to make it as quick and painless as possible. Suggest good practices so that you keep your smile healthy for a long time.

Orthodontic Techniques

If you need orthodontics to solve those problems of malocclusion, crossbite, or dental crowding, don’t think twice. Many patients who have under the procedure of this type of treatment in our clinic have been amazed thanks to the new image they have after the treatment, which literally changes their lives. Today we have a huge range of treatment options, including those that do not compromise dental aesthetics through metal brackets. Good proof of this is the Invisalign invisible orthodontic treatment, which uses invisible, removable splints so as not to compromise your aesthetics or your rhythm of life. The advantage of cosmetic dentists who specialise in gentle treatments is that they provide maximum comfort to the patient with maximum benefits.

The dentist can choose the online marketing of all cosmetic medical treatments for patient enhancement.

Teeth whitening techniques

Your smile is perfectly aligned, but do you have a hue that you would like to improve? Teeth whitening is the answer. This is not a permanent treatment, but it can last several years if we take care of our teeth and have good oral hygiene habits. Thanks to this technique, we are able to restore a white and beautiful appearance to our teeth that have lost their natural color to causes of problems as common as consuming coffee, smoking. This treatment is simple, fast, and painless, and will surely give many satisfactions whoever opts for it.