Gum Contouring: A New Biological And Mechanical Technique

Gum contouring

Dental care includes simple procedures such as limiting sugary eats, flossing each day and brushing your teeth at least twice daily. However, even though oral care procedures are pretty simple, most people are still unable to adhere to them. Besides, orthodontists still report constant cases of patients having poor oral hygiene. Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease includes one of the most widespread oral health issues worldwide. If left untreated, periodontal disease can have consequences that can be difficult to treat or irreversible. Nevertheless, the good news is that medical researchers have developed a new biological and mechanical technique for the disease, which entails the grafting and contouring of the gums. Read below to learn more about this incredible procedure.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease involves an infection of the tissues in your mouth holding your teeth in position. Periodontal disease is primarily caused by poor flossing and brushing habits that allow a sticky film of bacteria to build up and harden on the teeth. This sticky film of bacteria is known as plaque. Usually, gum disease begins with red, swollen and bleeding gums, and if left untreated, it can spread to the bones around the gums. Thus, this makes it painful and difficult to chew. In some cases, periodontal disease will lead to the teeth loosening and falling off. Can you trust cosmetic dentists with gum disease? If you suffer from gum disease, you can seek cosmetic dentists to restore your smile.

Effects of Gum Disease

In its early stages, gum disease is referred to as gingivitis. The gums may turn red, bleed and become swollen at this stage. When the disease advances, the gums tend to pull away from the teeth, leading to teeth loosening or falling out. Also, the bone can be lost at this stage.

Besides the mouth, gum disease can also affect other parts of the body. Did you know that persons having gum disease are twice likely to develop arterial narrowing and heart disease? This follows as a result of bacteria entering the bloodstream through the gums, which could promote blood clots.

Additionally, gum disease could also impact your mental health too. According to researchers in the UK, of 65000 people with gum disease, about 37% per cent suffered mental conditions like depression and anxiety. On the other hand, a study in Boston found that gum disease is associated with cognitive decline. Therefore, maintaining good oral hygiene also takes care of your mouth and mind wellness.

Treatment: Gum Contouring

Gum contouring involves a new and promising treatment that helps regenerate gum tissue, thus preventing tooth loss. In a successful study, scientists have combined mechanical and biological techniques to regenerate and repair gum tissue and bone.

To treat the condition, scientists surgically implanted a thin film-like membrane between the tooth and the inflamed gum. The implanted membrane creates a barrier, thus blocking the infection from the gums while delivering medication, growth factors and antibiotics to the gum tissue.

Periodontal disease can lead to missing teeth, which makes speaking, smiling and eating challenging. Gum contouring is a promising treatment procedure that aims to provide a long-lasting solution while improving your quality of life.