Oral Health And Obesity – Is There A Link?

Oral Health

Perhaps you have seen and heard about new diet fads and obesity issues making the headlines. Although obesity is established to be one of the risk factors for the development of chronic illnesses, like type II diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, some researchers have investigated the relationship existing between oral health and obesity.

What Connects Obesity and Oral Health?

Most governments globally regard obesity as an epidemic. But it is the connection between oral health and obesity that has stressed the importance of people considering changing their lifestyle.

Even small-town dentists like this one in Melton have a hygiene strategy. And they agree with many oral health professionals that people with a BMI of more than 30 are more likely to show signs of oral health issues, such as periodontal disease. There are several dietary and lifestyle changes, which can be effective to combat:

  • Oral health issues
  • Obesity

Gum Disease and Obesity

Some recent studies prove that individuals with more weight have a double risk of getting periodontal disease, whereas others dealing with serious obesity have triple chances of getting the condition.

The main reason for that increased risk is believed to be connected with increased chemical signals produced by fat cells. Basically, these substances are linked to inflammation response in the body.

The inflammation responses decrease immunity, which increases the chances of getting gum disease. Plus, it is believed that this inflammation decreases the flow of blood in the gums. This makes them more susceptible.

Another link between gum disease and obesity is the lifestyle marker, common in people suffering from obesity. According to experts, increased consumption of sugar is normally linked to obesity and gum disease.

Gum Disease Background

This refers to gum inflammation, which might result in the deterioration of bone and tissues that supports and surrounds the teeth. It might lead to tooth loss and bone destruction.

Primarily, the infection is caused by bacteria buildup in the gum disease. Gingivitis is a kind of gum disease which dentists can help to reverse. But periodontal disease can’t possibly be reversed. The most common signs of gum disease include:

  • Receding gums
  • Purple or bright red gums
  • Sensitive, puffy, or swollen gums
  • Teeth spacing
  • Pain when chewing

Steps to Minimize the Risks

Obesity has become a public health issue and epidemic, not just in the US but also in other countries in the world. Since obesity may impact your oral health, experts are doing everything possible to educate patients on the need to maintain their BMI. One dental marketing strategy espoused by Practice Growth is to address related health subjects.

If you are struggling to maintain your healthy weight, oral health experts suggest that you try substituting high-calorie foodstuffs with more whole grains, vegetables, and fruit. Apart from providing helpful nutrients, low-glycemic foodstuffs have plenty of slow-digesting fiber that keeps you fuller for a long time and prevents insulin spikes.

The Takeaway!

Your dentist can help you to make positive life decisions, which keep you healthy. By getting regular checkups and cleaning, your dentist may as well examine your smile and, at the same time, ascertain that your teeth are in good shape.