Have Patients Regained Confidence in Going Back to Dental Clinics?

The covid-19 pandemic has affected almost all aspects of life this includes dental health. This virus is highly contagious, and masks are our best defense against a pandemic that has decimated the health care system. Yet when we go to the dental clinic, the masks come off. We know that tiny droplets can hang about in the air for a long time, long enough to be inhaled by the next mask-less patient. We also know that dental health, if not taken seriously, can cause a lifetime of problems. An infection that starts in the mouth can even spread to other parts of the body, sometimes even leading to fatal results, so it is good to see that people’s confidence and trust in their dentists is increasing.

Dental clinic and people safety

The dental clinics are doing all they can to ensure patient safety. Dentists are spacing out the appointments to reduce crowding; the patients get screened, and sanitization is taken more seriously than ever before. When a procedure produces tiny droplets called aerosols that can hang in the air, Dentists use vacuum tools to remove them. A cancer diagnosis is almost always acted upon on time.

According to a recent survey, 88% of the people polled reported that they are ready to see the dentist or that they already have. Although the volume of people going to the dental clinic is not the same as before, it is still high, 80% of the pre-covid days. Dental health is very important to the happiness and overall well-being of people.

Pandemic and dental care industry

The pandemic had caused the dental care industry to take a massive hi terms of revenue. Now that people are getting more confident in approaching these professionals, the industry is making a comeback. The staffing today is 99% of the pre-covid days, and that is good news indeed. Only 20% of the dental staff still deals with reduced pay. The sector is looking up. That is not to say that there is no cause for concern but as the vaccine becomes more accessible, the tide is bound to change. Several dentists report that their patients often ask them about the vaccine and express concern about its effectiveness.

It is possible to nudge the changing attitudes a little more, simply with conversations about the vaccine. If possible, most people would be interested in being vaccinated at the dentist’s clinic. If vaccines can be made available at the dentist’s office, it will help bolster the confidence, people have in their dentists. Besides this, the easy availability of the vaccine at every ER can have just as much an impact. Vaccine decrease the anxiety caused by the pandemic

Although attitudes are changing and people are becoming more and comfortable with the idea of visiting the dentist. There is still scope for improvement in the public morale and their trust in the system. Open conversation and transparency about the safety measures implemented by the clinics will therefore make a huge difference. Likely, some will still refuse to visit the dentist till the pandemic ends. But with the vaccine out and the strict safety measures enforced by the dental clinics, the future looks bright.