Category: Dentists News

dentists as victims of violence

Dentists as Victims of Violence, Hate or Anger

Violence, hate and anger targeted at dentists is a growing problem in the United States. In 2017, there were nearly 1,000 reported cases of violence, hate or anger against dentists, up from only 400 in 2016. This increase is likely…

all on four dental implants

Dental Trends: All On 4 Promoting Big in 2023

Gone are the days of traditional dentures. A new trend is on the rise and it’s making waves in the dental industry. All On 4 treatments, or All on 4 implants, are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional…

Malocclusions In Orthodontics

Malocclusions In Orthodontics: What Are They?

The branch that deals with the treatment of tooth decay, malocclusion, and the bad bite is known as Orthodontics. You find it difficult to bite and chew foods when you don’t have aligned tooth pairs. In this post, we will…

cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry: Can You Use Superannuation to Fund It?

Going for cosmetic dentistry can be costly. This is especially true if the procedure involves dental surgery. But do you know that you may use superannuation to cover the costs? It is possible to apply for an early compassionate release…

dental implant healing

New Strontium-Filled Scaffold Could Improve Dental Implant Healing

Dental implants are becoming increasingly popular as a method of restoring missing teeth. In the past, traditional dental implants were rigid and could only be used for certain types of tooth loss. But with new technology comes new possibilities, and…

Oral Bacteria And Brain Abscesses

Study Identifies Potential Link Between Oral Bacteria And Brain Abscesses

A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Michigan has identified a potential link between oral bacteria and brain abscesses. The research, which was published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology, found that certain kinds of bacteria commonly…

One Day Dental Implants pros and cons

One Day Dental Implants: The Pros and Cons

Dental implants have become the go-to solution for those who are looking to replace missing teeth. And now, with the advent of one-day dental implants, this solution has become even more attractive for many patients. It’s no surprise that this…

teeth obsession

Obsessed With Your Teeth? You’re Not The Only One

We all love to have a perfect smile. For the perfect smile, you need perfect teeth. If you don’t have perfect teeth, you are not attractive. These are all we think about when we come across the word teeth. Don’t…

gum disease bacteria

Being Treated for Gum Disease? Here’s Antibacterial Foods to Eat

In its earliest form, gingivitis is merely a gum infection. The condition can spread as it worsens and develops into periodontitis, harming your teeth and the jaw bone. However, gum disease is easily treated if found early, and there are…