Being Treated for Gum Disease? Here’s Antibacterial Foods to Eat

gum disease bacteria

In its earliest form, gingivitis is merely a gum infection. The condition can spread as it worsens and develops into periodontitis, harming your teeth and the jaw bone. However, gum disease is easily treated if found early, and there are antibacterial foods you can consume to promote healing. Examples include;

1. Ginger

Ginger is excellent at adding flavor to a wide range of foods. But it’s not only limited to giving food flavor; it can do much more for your mouth. Ginger is a root frequently used for healing and naturally fights inflammation. According to dentists, ginger root may brighten your smile and battle gingivitis. Since gum disease treatment is more than recontouring, ginger is a perfect food to support healthy gums and teeth.

2. Raw Onions

Dentists claim that while onions can contribute to bad breath, they are perfect for your gums. Onions have microbiological characteristics that can kill oral bacteria. These can lessen the most prevalent bacterial strains that cause periodontitis. Make an effort to include them in dishes like chili, steaks, salads, pies, soups, and curries.

3. Turmeric

Regarding its anti-microbial properties, turmeric has some of the most dedicated scientific support. The same component that gives turmeric its vibrant orange color also provides its anti-microbial properties. You can also eat it or utilize it externally. Making a paste out of raw garlic and turmeric is more effective because food and nutrition are life’s most fundamental medicine.

4. Honey

Honey was one of the first anti-microbial medicines used long before pharmaceuticals were around. Honey contains an enzyme that releases hydrogen peroxide, effectively killing off certain bacteria. Ensure that your honey is unprocessed and raw. The main reason to take natural is that if you cook honey, you destroy vital enzymes; hence it is effective. Instead, spread some honey on your bread or yogurt.

5. Shiitake Mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These substances promote beneficial microorganisms for a balanced oral microbiota and inhibit the growth of damaging biofilms. There is encouraging evidence that shiitake mushrooms may be a helpful supplement to any gum care regimen, even if further studies are required to prove its ability to treat gum disease.

6. Green Tea

Asian societies have long drunk green tea produced from the Camellia sinensis. Catechins and flavonoids, two nutrients, are present in green tea. These nutrients lessen gum tissue damage and edema. They also encourage the development of new gum tissue, making them a successful treatment for gum diseases.

7. Sanguinaria

The sanguinaria is a typical component of toothpaste. It is the finest gingivitis toothpaste. You can mix it with lukewarm water and gargle to treat gum disease. It has an antibacterial element and is safe to use in the treatment of gum disease. Moreover, sanguinaria lessens gum pains.

Final Thoughts

Gum diseases might be frustrating and lower your self-esteem. However, with proper treatment, you can recover successfully. However, when battling gum problems, it’s critical to have the appropriate tools in your oral health care toolbox in addition to consuming the proper meals.