Category: News

World Cavity-Free Future Day

World Cavity-Free Future Day is in October: Will It Achieve Anything?

Tooth decay is a common dental problem affecting people across the globe. Professionals take a proactive approach and come together to sensitize the people about the condition. The dentists identify tooth carries as the leafing factor leading to tooth decay….

oral health

For Good Oral Health, Is Nature or Nurture More Important?

According to recent studies, several health problems we face are present in our genes. No matter what we can do, we can’t avoid them. Most oral problems like tooth decay, gum problem and cavities run through our genes. But is…

dental braces

Do Dental Braces Affect People’s Attention to Nutrition?

Deciding to get braces tends to be somewhat daunting, particularly for adults and teens. Fortunately, dental innovations today are far more advanced than many years ago. Techniques in this field have also improved, allowing practitioners to provide dental solutions and…

wisdom tooth removal natural remedies

Wisdom Tooth Removal: Can Natural Pain Relief Help?

Anyone who has ever had wisdom teeth erupt will attest to the excruciating discomfort they cause. Nearly everyone will advise you to get emergency dental care to have them removed. This is the ideal scenario, although it isn’t always feasible….

Emergency dentists

What Do Emergency Dentists Treat: 5 Urgent Dental Matters?

Emergency dentists play a crucial role in providing dental services. They handle all emergency dental issues as well as offer 24/7 dental services. So if you have any dental issue that requires medical attention, it is advisable to see an…

dental veneers treatment

Dental Veneers: Where Beauty Treatment Aesthetics Influence Dentistry

Dental veneers have tremendously become popular in the last few years. They can undoubtedly help restore one’s smile. If you have discolored, broken, cracked, or chipped teeth, you should consider getting dental veneers. What’s more, these dental veneers are more…

World Oral Health Day 2022

World Oral Health Day 2022: Be Proud of Your Mouth

The World Oral Health Day (WOHD) 2022 campaign was officially announced by FDI World Dental Federation. Being Proud of Your Mouth is not about having a perfect mouth, it is about having a healthy one and the message is even…